
Refund solutions

To ensure ultimate convenience and flexibility to both Shoppers and Merchants, Premier Tax Free manages over 600 refund points across more than 30 countries (see full list of refund points), as well as 8 different refund methods. Our experience and competence guarantee that we efficiently refund millions of Shoppers every year.

Our convenient refund options include:

In-store cash and VAT off


  • Before the Tax Free form is export validated, the refund or deduction of VAT takes place immediately in-store.


  • Refund often spent in store or location
  • No cash fee incurred by Shopper
  • No queues at refund points
  • Higher level of customer service


  • Credit card guarantee is taken from Shopper
  • Shoppers must return the export validated Tax Free form to Premier Tax Free within 30 days (this timeline may vary)


premier tax free refund solutions in store cash and vat off

City cash


  • Before the form is export validated, the refund takes place immediately at a city refund point near to the store.


  • Immediate cash refund
  • No queues at airport refund points
  • Refund often spent on location


  • Credit card guarantee is taken from Shopper
  • Cash fee is incurred by the Shopper
  • Shoppers must return the export validated Tax Free form to Premier Tax Free within 30 days (may vary)


Airport cash


  • After the Tax Free form is export validated, VAT is mostly refunded at an airport cash refund point; however, this can occur at a refund point outside of the airport.


  • No credit card guarantee is taken from the Shopper
  • The Shopper does not need to post back the Tax Free form
  • Refund often available in home currency


  • Cash fee is incurred by the shopper


premier tax free refund solutions airport cash

Credit card


  • After the Tax Free form is export validated, VAT is refunded directly to shoppers Visa, MasterCard, Union Pay, Diners, JCB or American Express credit card or debit card.


  • No cash fee incurred by the Shopper
  • No queues at refund points
  • Refund in the Shopper’s home currency
  • Refund received in 30 days


  • Shopper must have a valid credit or debit card with a minimum of six months’ validity
  • Credit card number must be written on the Tax Free form
  • Shoppers must return the export-validated Tax Free form to Premier Tax Free

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諮詢專線: 02-2370-2012 / 1-647-885-3078
FB粉絲團: 茱莉安留遊學
LINE(茱莉安工作室): @juliannestudio
LINE(茱莉安本人): juliannecanada

如果有任何疑問,歡迎隨時來電或來信諮詢啦! ^^
